Loh received the Churchill Scholarship to do graduate work in mathematics at Churchill College, University of Cambridge. He is one of only 11 students from across the country to receive this scholarship. The Churchill Scholarship Program, now in its 41st year, offers students an exceptional opportunity to pursue one year of graduate studies in engineering, mathematics, and the sciences at the university. The scholarships also provide the opportunity for the students to experience life in Britain. The Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States, established in 1959, is the sponsor of the scholarship program.
Loh was also offered a Hertz fellowship to pursue graduate work leading to the award of a PhD in the physical sciences. The Fannie and John Hertz Foundation grants this honor to support the most promising of young Americans, those whose technical talent will have "the greatest impact on the application of the physical sciences to human problems during the next half-century." Loh plans to utilize this fellowship to continue his graduate studies at Princeton University.
In addition, Loh was awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate fellowship to cover three years of graduate work. The NSF fellowship is awarded to about 900 students each year on the basis of academic excellence.
And finally, Loh has been selected from over 3,200 applicants for a 2004-2005 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. This fellowship also covers three years of graduate study, and is sponsored by the Department of Defense through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Office of Naval Research, the Army Research Office, and the High Performance Computing Modernization Program, and is administered by the American Society for Engineering Education.
With an exemplary academic record, Loh is the recipient of numerous high school and college honors that include a silver medal at the 1999 International Mathematics Olympiad in Bucharest, Romania; a 2000-2004 Axline Merit Award; and the 2002 Morgan Ward Prize for developing original math problems and solutions. He was also a 2002 national semifinalist in the TopCoder Collegiate Championship, a 2003 finalist in the TopCoder Google Code Jam, and winner of a 2003 Barry Goldwater Scholarship.
Loh recently returned from the 28th annual world finals of the 2004 Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest in Prague, Czech Republic, where his Caltech team scored 7th out of 3,150 teams from 75 different countries.
Loh serves on the Caltech Board of Control, the student-run judiciary body that oversees the Caltech Honor System.
Loh grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, where his parents still reside. In his spare time, he enjoys building and optimizing computers for his family and friends. Eventually, Loh would like to become a university professor in mathematics.
Contact: Deborah Williams-Hedges (626) 395-3227 debwms@caltech.edu
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